Mechanics Institute Programs

In 1820, The General Society opened one of the City’s first free schools, as well as the Apprentices Library. The school, which became the Mechanics Institute in 1858, continues to provide tuition-free evening instruction in trades-related education and provides a critical service to improve job opportunities for New Yorkers in the building and construction industry. Without a tuition-free education, many of our students would be unable to get the technical education needed to advance in today’s environment. Each fall, over 100 students enroll in the Mechanics Institute’s programs, including Electrical Technology,  Plumbing & Heating Systems, HVACR Systems and Construction Project Management.

Construction Project Management

Electrical Technology

Plumbing & Heating Systems

HVACR Systems

Please find the entire Mechanics Institute Course Catalog HERE.

For more information on admission requirements, please click here.